Patanegra Challenge is an original activity that can be enjoyed every single day of the year. It’s about going across the paths of the Sierra de Huelva through a circular itinerary. The different available categories are the following:
The itinerary remains the same for every category, and it’s the participant who must organise his time in order to rest and supply himself with water and food. According to the chosen way of facing this challenge, the organization will provide certain services, but always relying on the capacity of self sufficiency of the participant. It must be clear that this is not an activity for people that doesn’t count with the proper physical preparation and experience in this kind of matters.
The goal is to go through these mountains that form the Sierra de Huelva, which is placed inside the Natural Park of Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche. The itinerary is mainly based on paths and trails, and only 5% of the whole track is through roads, which made hard to choose the ways that enabled to connect the different villages.
The track goes around the zone known as central mountains, from Aracena to Cortegana; passing through both the North and the South parts, and ascending to some of the most emblematic peaks around. The track starts and ends in Santa Ana la Real, and it’s 105 kms long, with 4000 meters of positive elevation gain.
Patanegra Challenge goes through 14 different villages of the Sierra de Huelva: Alájar, Almonaster la Real, Aracena, Castaño del Robledo, Cortegana, Cortelazor la Real, Fuenteheridos, Galaroza, Jabugo, Linares de la Sierra, Los Marines, La Nava, Santa Ana la Real and Valdelarco. You can also find on the way some other emblematics places of the area, such as: la Peña de Arias Montano, La Posá de Cortegana, the small villages of Acebuche or La Fuente del oro, la Venta del Cruce, el Cerro de San Cristóbal or la Mezquita de Almonaster
Patanegra Challenge offers the possibility of going across a great track at the rhythm chosen by each participant, with or without a bike, carrying a bag or with light luggage,in 24 hours or in several days, but with the one and only purpose of reaching the finish line and, of course, enjoying the way.