This is the hardest way of doing the Patanegra Challenge, and it’s thought for people very used to long-time resistance sports that want to try to accomplish this challenge in a very short time, usually under 24 hours. This is not an easy task due to two reasons. One the one hand because of the sloping lands, but also because our paths aren’t thought to be crossed with high speed, so running is slow and complicated.
In this itinerary there aren’t actually dangerous parts and it can be enjoyed easily, since despite the already mentioned technical complexity, it’s possible to run at a very good pace.
Achieving self-sufficiency isn’t hard, at least regarding to hydration, since there are fountains with fresh water in every village close to the itinerary. Food must be carried, but it’s also possible hiring aid stations, not just for food but also for changing clothes or other stuff. In any case, having a strategy regarding to food and water is essential. Otherwise, finishing the Patanegra Challenge will be impossible.
There are of course some other elements that are needed such as headlamp, backpack, windbreaker, etc. We assume that anyone in this modality has enough experience in the matter to know about this kind of details. However, we are availa