Because Pata Negra Challenge is an activity available during the whole year, it’s impossible to stop the traffic. This means that in those few sections of the trail that may have traffic (for instance when crossing the villages) the priority will not be for the participant but for the vehicle, so it will be necessary to be careful and wait in the crossroads. It’s the participant’s responsibility to take care of his own safety in the first place.
The most important element regarding the safeness are those already crossroads that sometimes can have quite a lot of traffic. That’s the case for instance of the national road 433, which crosses Fuenteheridos and goes near by Cortegana and Aracena. Those are spots in which maximum precautions must be taken. The participants of Pata Negra Challenge will not have priority on the roads or paths, and each one of them will have to be aware of these circumstances in order to act thinking of their own safeness.
Another thing to be considered is that this challenge will be based on self-sufficiency, unless the participant hires external aid, so it will be the participant’s responsibility to get fed and hydrated properly.
This event is not marked, so the participant will have to follow the indications provided by the organisation with the help of the handheld gps, not only to be able to get to the end of the track but also for security reasons and to avoid entering in private properties.
Nevertheless, the organisation has a phone for emergencies, 0034670344552 for extreme situations. Also, for those who are not federated in mountain climbing, the organisation will hire a specific accident insurance.